The last week of 2018 I did a deep Year End Review that made me say “F-you 2018”!
The last week of 2018 I did a deep Year End Review that made me say “F-you 2018”!
2018 was a HARD year for me, and I didn’t realize how challenging it was until I did my Year End Review.
This is a summary of how I did my Year End Review. It’s still January, so it’s not too late to do your 2018 review. In fact, I think reviewing the year that just passed is important to really integrate the lessons. First, I chose a notebook that’s going to be for all of my Year End Reviews from now on.
1. I took my planner and went month-by-month and wrote down 5-10 things that were worth noting for each month. Maybe someone I met, somewhere I went, a course I took, something I accomplished.
2. Then I looked at the year and wrote down my Top 3: lessons of the year, highlights and best decisions. This will give you a summary of your year.
So what did I notice about 2018?
I listened to my heart, even though I had been resisting what it had been telling me for a long time. I focused a lot on self-care and at the same time, I found myself overcommitted and over-stretched because I said ‘yes’ to things I shouldn’t have.
I hid behind busyness and also did very fulfilling work. In the year I gave 87 workshops, which is A LOT (taking into account the time it takes to prepare, promoting many of the workshops, my business, blogging, podcasting, launching online courses, and having a social life) and on top of that I also had more than 150 one-on-one’s with people, which I am extremely thankful for (because I love people), but also, I’m exhausted.
2018 was a year where I reaped the benefits of the friendships I’ve built, and I’m SO lucky to have not 1 or 2, but many friends that I can be myself at 100%, where I’m loved not in spite of my weaknesses, but because of them.
Things that seemed hard were easy; and things that seemed so easy were debilitating.
I had to let go and trust. And what I thought was going to be a painful fall, I actually felt like falling on a pillow.
It was the year I’ve been most creative and also the year where I felt I would never be able to write another blog post (which is the reason I haven’t posted anything for the last couple of months).
I’ve had to learn to be extra kind to myself.
I’ve had to let go of how I wanted things to be, and accept how things really are.
And as I’m going through a major expectation hangover I can also say Thank You 2018!
Then after reviewing 2018, I was ready to look at 2019, where I hope to be more deliberate with my time and energy and also enjoy my life more.
4. The last step of my Year End Review was to ask the question: How do I want 2019 to feel?
And my answer was FUN and SPACIOUSNESS. I want more laughs, adventures, challenges, and travel. I also want to feel like I have more than enough time and energy to do the things that are important to me (and say ‘no’ to everything else).
Over to you: In 1 or 2 words how do you want 2019 to feel? Was 2018 a challenging year, or was it just me?