You know when you sneeze and you realize “I’m about to get sick”. This happened to me over the weekend. I went to an event at a park on Saturday night and I forgot to take a sweater, even though my mom is constantly reminding me to take a sweater everywhere. Really mom? I’m a 32-year-old married woman! But this time, she was right. On Sunday I knew I was about to get a cold, I was sneezing and felt tired. Here are the 3 things I did to prevent myself from getting really sick.
For some reason we resist rest. Every time I feel like I’m about to get sick, my first instinct is to keep going and push myself until I’m actually super sick. I woke up feeling under the weather but I still wanted to do my Sunday routine: go to yoga, have tea with a friend, lunch with the in-laws and then visit my family. I wanted to and I could have, but now I know better.
This year I discovered the healing power of rest. It’s the easiest thing to do and also the hardest. I went to yoga and realized I wasn’t feeling any better, so I decided to rest. I watched Maniac (which I highly recommend), I took a nap and cuddled with my dogs. On Monday, I felt better but not 100%, so I took it easy. I worked from home for 2-3 hours and then I went back to bed, napped and cuddled. On Tuesday I felt at 100% again. Now, I see rest as being super productive. Believe me, there’s a huge difference between a 2-day semi-cold and a weeklong awful cold.
Going to the doctor is my last resource. My dad jokes around and says that my mom, sister and I cure ourselves with the alignment of the moon and mantras (meaning vitamins, herbs, and teas). The first thing I did when I realized I was about to get sick, was drink a Vitamin C tea. I love USANA’s Booster C*, I add it to warm water and have it as a tea full of vitamin C, it kinda tastes like pink lemonade. Nothing makes me happier than warm tea.
I don’t mean that you should go to your cross fit class! But moving our body when we’re feeling sick can actually make us feel better. After all the resting, napping and laying down my body was feeling achy and tight. I did a 20-minute yoga video by Yoga With Adriene called “Yoga For Cold and Flu,” and felt amazing afterward; it was just what my body needed. If you’re not into yoga, a light walk will do, and you get extra points for breathing-in fresh air.
I know this sounds too simple, but try it! You’ll save a trip to the doctor, get better in no time and at the same time honor your body. If you want to dive deeper, I also made a FREE guide called Nutrition For Energy: A 7-Day Guide To Boost Your Vitality, and you can get it when you subscribe to my email list (below or above this page).
Over to you: What do you do when you start to feel under the weather? Tell me over on Instagram.
*If you don't know yet, I'm a distributor with USANA Health Sciences because I love their high-quality products that I've been taking for over a decade.